Earth Friendly

Thinking about the future of the planet and the conservation of the environment, Caladan Software has avoided wasting resources with ecologically correct attitudes since the year 2000. Simple things...

  • Since 2000 fax equipment has been deactivated with the use of e-mail as a substitute for written communication and the sending of documents.
  • Since 2001 routine use of the paper used (including those received in correspondence) has been introduced for internal reuse.
  • Since 2003 printers have been deactivated and the issuing of bank slips has become electronic online and by email.
  • Since 2005 computer video monitors have been replaced by low-power LCD models.
  • Since 2008 conventional telephone lines have been deactivated using VoIP as a substitute for voice communication.
  • Since 2010 the issuance of the Service Invoice has been issued by the electronic system (NFSe) replacing the traditional form.
  • Since 2012 the generation of backups before on CD/DVD started to be made in the Cloud.
  • Since 2015 desktop units have been completely replaced by portable laptops.

Be aware and Earth friend